Author Archives: Shmully

Eshel Chickens Get Treated Like Eshel Guest

Eshel Hachnosas Orchim -Chicken-menachem mendel hendel (3)

At Eshel Hachnosas Orchim the kaparot chickens get treated just like the guest do.

Eshel director Rabbi Mendy Hendel and kitchen manager Yossi Cohen make sure that the chickens eat just as well as the Rebbe’s guests if not better.

Corn and rice is whats on the menu for both the chickens and the guest.

Eshel Hachnosas Orchim -Chicken-menachem mendel hendel (1)

Eshel Hachnosas Orchim -Chicken-menachem mendel hendel (2)

Zaki Wants you to know ‘it wasn’t connected to his communal position’.

A fundraiser for the reelection of Charles Hynes to the Office of the District Attorney of Kings County was held last Monday in Crown Heights in the home of Zaki Tamir, Chairman of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council.

Before anybody got excited that perhaps Zaki Tamir actually did something for Crown Heights while being the Chairman of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council,  Zaki wants to make it clear that this event  wasn’t connected to his communal position.

G-d forbid you have a thought that Zaki Tamir actually did something for the community.

Thank you Zaki Tamir for clearing it up with us, we were starting to really get worried you were doing something with your so called  communal position. I mean, since when has anybody elected in the CHJCC done anything for the community?

Wow, that was a close one.

Why Not Millions?

Clever Meshichistim think they are fooling us.

To show/prove that they had “thousands” of Bochrim at their so called “Kinus Hatmimim”, they post photos from earlier that day, when in fact all Bochrim (from all Yeshivas) that had come to New york for Yud Shevat spent most of their day in 770 learning .

In a sly move, somewhere in the middle, the photos switch to the actual event, which substantially had less participants.  Notice the table cloths and food in second half of photos.

View Photos Here: Thousands At 770 International Kinus Hatmimim

To fool the world is one thing,
but to fool yourself is no big deal.

You’re a fool for wanting to fool yourself
—and anyone can fool a fool.

—from the sayings of Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch

Mossrim At Eshel Gather


Meshichistim Find New MH”M

“Moshiach Camp” or “Jihad camp” is the name of the youth division of Mendel Hendels Eishel – Hachnosas Orchim, with over 100  45 children who are spending the month of Tishrei with the MH”M 24/7. Yesterday, they stopped at the house of the new MH”M Ha’Rebbe  Sholom Ber Drizin, the main sponsor of Eishel – Hachnosas Orchim, and did a lineup with Pesukim and singing of Yechi in honor of the new MH”M  ● Sitting alongside MH”M Drizin were Menachem Mendel Hendel, director of Eishel, and R’ Nochum Markowitz ● 1BC photographer Mr. Potatohead presents:

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